Spring: Getting in Gear
The sun is out, Spring is in the air. Bikes, motorcycles and the coveted sports cars are coming out of hibernation. Our staff at Sunvalley Tire are looking forward to days of camping and fishing, but first, we want to ensure the safety of our customers. We are busy inspecting tires, rotating, balancing and installing tires designed for the new season.
With temperatures consistently above 5 degrees Celsius, winter tires become more pliable and increasingly subject to wear. This means your fuel consumption is going to go up and your vehicle’s ability to handle well is going to go down. Whether you choose winter tires for your vehicle or not, this is the perfect time to inspect your tires and ensure they will be treating you well for the upcoming season.
Here’s what you need to know:
*Check the tread depth
Using a toonie as a tread depth gauge is a simple way to do it. Be sure to check all four tires in the exact same way and over multiple areas on the tire. First, take your toonie and check every single tire by placing the coin in a tread. If the tread reaches the paws of the bear, your tires are in great shape and most likely near new. If the tread covers all the silver part, it’s about half worn. Finally, If the tread is covering half of the letters, it’s time to start shopping.

Checking the Tread Depth
*Check the tire wear
Tire wear is normal when you drive, but you many notice irregular stress in certain areas. If you notice any uneven wear and lack the skills to take care of the issues yourself, get a professional opinion. Uneven tire wear can reduce the life of your tires significantly, which will end up costing you a lot of money.

*Check the tire pressure
Check the tire air pressure on your tires and adjust it as needed to the amount specified on the tire information placard found on the driver’s doorjamb. Improper inflation pressure can affect tire longevity and fuel efficiency. Don’t forget to check the pressure on your car’s spare tire, too.

Finding the right Tire Pressure
*Store well
Just as you wash away the road salt from your car, be sure to wash and dry your winter tires before putting them away for storage. Keep them wrapped in plastic, out of the sun and in a cool, dry area.
Remember, if you have any questions or are unclear on your tire condition, feel free to stop by either our Winkler or Altona locations. Let our tire professionals assist you and if needed, they will be more than willing to steer you towards the right tire for your driving needs and provide you with the most current tire rebates being offered. Their goal at Sunvalley Tire is to provide top notch service, knowledgeable advice and value to ensure your vehicle is safe by starting with where the rubber meets the road.